Extreme Loads on Structures Lab (ELSL)
Hezi Grisaro's Research Group
Refer to Google Scholar and ReserachGate for a more detailed list of publications
Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals
1. Grisaro HY. Effect of a rear face layer on scabbing in walls of RC protective structures. MSc Thesis, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. 2014
2. Grisaro HY. Response of a structural element to combined loading of explosion and fragmentation impact. PhD Thesis, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. 2018
Refereed papers in conference proceedings
1. Grisaro H, Dancygier AN*. A simple model for the response of a rear steel liner in protective barriers. Proceedings of The Fourth International fib Congress, Mumbai, India 2014. Summary Papers vol. II, Universitis Press, pp. 617-619.
2. Grisaro H*, Dancygier AN. Assessment of the residual velocity of a non-deformable projectile that perforates concrete barriers. Proceedings of The Fifth International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading (PROTECT2015), East Lansing, Michigan, USA 2015.
3. Grisaro H, Dancygier AN*. Numerical investigation of velocity distribution of cylindrical cased charge fragments. 16th International Symposium for the Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS16), Destin, Florida 2015.
4. Grisaro H*, Dancygier AN. Response of reinforced concrete structural element to the combined loading of blast and fragments. 11th fib International Phd Symposium in Civil Engineering, Tokyo Japan 2016. p. 353-360.
5. Grisaro H*, Dancygier AN. Numerical investigation of fragments mass distribution over a given protective wall. 4th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS4), Beijing, China 2016. p. 268-273.
6. Grisaro H, Dancygier AN*. Assessment of a Protective Wall Response to Explosive Loading Considering a Realistic Fragments Distribution. fib Symposium 2017, Maastricht, The Netherlands 2017.
7. Grisaro YH, Benamou D, Dancygier AN*. Effects of fragments impact on reinforced concrete protective elements. 6th International Workshop on Performance, Protection & Strengthening of Structures under Extreme Loading (PROTECT2017), Guangzhou, China 2017.
8. Grisaro HY*, Edri IE. Numerical study of equivalency factors for bare explosive charges. 6th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS6), Melbourne, Australia 2017. p. 197-203.
9. Grisaro HY*, Benamou D, Dancygier AN. Field tests of RC T-walls – towards better understanding the effect of combined blast and fragments load on their residual mechanical properties. 6th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures (DAPS), Melbourne, Australia 2017. p. 189-196.
10. Grisaro HY*, Dancygier AN, Benamou D. Reduced properties of RC elements subjected to fragmentation impact. 5th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS5), Poznan, Poland 2018. p. 153-158.
11. Edri IE*, Grisaro HY, Yankelevsky DZ. TNT equivalency of different explosives in a confined space. 18th International Symposium for the Interaction of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS18), Panama City Beach, FL, USA 2019.
12. Grisaro HY. Finite Element Formulation to Simulate Tension Stiffening and Development of Discrete Cracks of Fiber Reinforced Concrete. Fib Symposium 2021, Lisbon, Portugal 2021.
13. Grisaro HY*, Seica MV, Packer JA. Numerical and Experimental Study on the Response of Bare and Strengthened Steel I-Shaped Members to Near-Field Detonations. The 6th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS6), Auburn, Alabama, USA 2023
14. Wattad O*, Grisaro HY. Dynamic Behavior of Structures with Energy Absorption Protection Layer under Blast Loads. The 6th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS6), Auburn, Alabama, USA 2023
* Presenter
Contributed Talks - Oral Presentations
1. Grisaro H*, Dancygier AN.השפעת שכבת מגן אחורית על תופעת השיחון בקירות במבני מגן מבטון מזוין. The 9th conference on protective structures R&D in Israel, Acre, Israel 2013. (In Hebrew)
2. Grisaro H*, Dancygier AN. הערכת המהירות השיורית של קליע קשיח הפורץ מטרות בטון. The 10th conference on protective structures R&D in Israel, Reim, Israel 2014. (In Hebrew)
3. Grisaro H*, Dancygier AN.הערכת המסה של מטען חשוף אקוויולנטי למטען עטוף. The 11th conference on protective structures R&D in Israel, Acre, Israel 2016. (In Hebrew)
4. Benamou D*, Grisaro HY, Dancygier AN. Effects of fragments and blast impact on RC protective elements – field tests. 19th International Physical Security Forum (IPSF), Stockhom, Sweden 2017.
5. Grisaro H*, Benamou D, Dancygier AN.חקירת התכונות מכניות המשתיירות של אלמנט בטון מזוין עקב אפקט הרסס – ניסויי מעבדה. The 12th conference on protective structures R&D in Israel, Tel-Nof, Israel 2018. (In Hebrew)
6. Beyene S*, Benamou D, Grisaro H, Dancygier AN.חקירת התכונות מכניות המשתיירות של אלמנט בטון מזוין עקב אפקט הרסס – ניסויי שדה. The 12th conference on protective structures R&D in Israel, Tel-Nof, Israel 2018. (In Hebrew)
7. Turygan S*, Seilicki P, Grisaro HY. Effects of Weaponized Commercial Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (wUAVs) on Structures, and Comparison of Analysis Methods; Part 2: Experimental Testing. 58th Army Operations Research Symposium, Washington DC, USA, 2020
8. Benamou D*, Grisaro HY, Mitelman A. Field Tests of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Close-in and Contact Detonations of High Explosives. 22th International Physical Security Forum (IPSF), Montreal, Canada 2022.
9. Brodzky O*, Grisaro HY. הגבלת נזק במבנים הנתונים לעומסי הדף על-ידי מישורי נדנוד. The 13th conference on protective structures R&D in Israel, Kastina, Israel 2022. (In Hebrew)
10. Wattad O*. Grisaro HY. Approaches for Modeling the Coupling between Compaction of Aluminum Foams and Protective Structures under Blast Loads. The 51st Israel Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM-51), Haifa, Israel 2023
* Presenter
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